Book club meetings are meant to provide an avenue for veterans, community members, and library personnel to come together to read about and discuss topics meaningful to the veteran population
*May coincide book selection/topic with awareness month toolkits (i.e. PTSD Awareness Month, Women’s History Month, etc.)
- Adults, 18+ years old
- Veterans, dependents, family, and friends
- Veteran only meetings depending on the sensitivity of book club topic
- Community meetings for veterans, dependents, family, and friends to help community members better know their veterans and engage veterans with their communities
- Collection development
- $0 - $1000/year (depending on current holdings)
- May utilize the interlibrary loan to create book club kits and decrease costs
- Light refreshments (depending on the number of attendees)
- Guest speaker/presenter (optional)
- $0-$350/presenter (depends on speaker’s fees)
Host one to two book club meetings per month
*May coincide with awareness month programs and activities
Suggested Duration
- Create a display for the topic/book selection at the start of the month and leave it up for the duration of that month
- Using awareness month topics as a guide, plan out one book per month for the coming quarter at the beginning of the final month of the prior quarter
- At the same time, plan book club meeting dates for each month and ensure books will be made available at least 3-4 weeks prior to each book club meeting
- Plan for 30 minutes to one hour to set up for the meeting, one to two hours for the meeting itself, and 30 minutes to one-hour post-meeting for clean up
Resources needed
- Awareness display
- Area to display information regarding awareness topic and book selection
- Available resources surrounding the awareness topic
- Handouts, bibliographic list of resources, etc.
- Book club meeting set-up
- Pre-set questions to ask regarding book selection
- Available space/room
- Chairs (circular set-up to promote conversation)
- Refreshments (optional)
- Table for refreshments (optional)
- PowerPoint (optional; to promote further resources surrounding topic)
- Computer (optional)
- Projector (optional)
- Cord needed to connect the computer to projector input on the wall or directly to the projector (optional)
- Microphone (optional – if having formal presenters or guest speakers)
- Marketing of book club programs
- Social media
- Flyers/posters
- Newspaper article
- Email blast to patrons
- Local radio advertising
Tips for Success
- Start planning early! Have book selections already prepared at least a few months ahead of time
- Ensure you develop questions to ask regarding each book selection to help guide the discussion as needed!
- Advertise early, frequently, and through multiple platforms and venues to reach the widest audience
- Ensure you have enough copies of every title for participants
- Involve veterans and other patrons in the process
- Ask for their input regarding book and topic selections
Assessment Ideas
Attendees/participants: track the number of people attending the book club meetings each month
Circulation: track how many people check out that month’s book selection
- Asking the patrons various questions regarding the program
- Asking staff and organizers regarding their views on the program
Track re-postings, comments, shares and/or “likes” of event advertising on social media (*May need the ability to track platform metrics to assess this).
Suggestion box: Provide an avenue, whether via a physical suggestion box, electronic suggestion box, or both, for staff and patrons to provide feedback.
Partners and Stakeholders
- Community veterans, their friends, and their families
- Local news and radio outlets
- Local VA organizations/programs and their points of contact to assist with resources/suggestions
- Other community libraries (public, medical, academic, etc.) that may want to participate
Additional Resources/Bibliography
General examples of potential book selections (not exhaustive):
Utilizing PTSD Awareness Month as a topic (provided in the A Warrior Coping with PTSD toolkit by Bianca Brillant):
Utilizing Women’s History Awareness Month as a topic (provided in the Women Veterans Throughout History toolkit by Bianca Brillant):
Submitted by
Jennifer Jones, Fargo VA Medical Center Library
Public Domain
This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.