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Libraries and Veterans National Forum

Apply for a Microgrant

Applications closed

The Libraries and Veterans microgrants provided funding to libraries for eligible projects that support library services and programming for veterans and military-affiliated patrons. Microgrants are intended to encourage libraries to engage with veterans and other military-affiliated patrons such as service members, military family members, and family members of veterans. Multiple grant applications are eligible per library system.

Funding for these microgrants has been provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis while funds remain available.

The applications form is closed.  All funds have been allocated at this time.

About the Microgrant Program

Award Amount

$500 to $3000


  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis from October 2021 to February 2022 while funds remain available.
  • To be eligible for initial review, submit applications by October 1, 2021.
  • No applications postmarked after February 1, 2022 will be accepted.
  • Spending must be completed and all final reports will be due no later than April 15, 2022.

Complete the two-page grant application. The items below are required application items and must be returned acknowledged, fully completed, to constitute a complete application package.

  • Project Description (describe the specific activities that will be performed)
  • Budget (identify the specific items that the funds will cover)
  • Budget Justification (explain why each budget item is needed)

This Application package is designed to gather information to assist in determining whether an award will be granted. The Application includes the requirements that all Applicants must meet. All information and forms requested in the Application must be fully completed.

*Applications are no longer being accepted.

The following libraries may apply for Libraries and Veterans National Forum microgrants:

  • College and university libraries
  • Community college libraries
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) libraries
  • Government libraries
  • Medical libraries
  • Military libraries
  • Public libraries
  • School libraries
  • Special libraries

*Institutions other than libraries are encouraged to partner with a library as their sponsoring agency should they wish to apply for a microgrant.

Successful requests must demonstrate the importance of library services and programming for engaging veterans and military-affiliated patrons. The overall vision and plan proposed will be evaluated with respect to the impact of the project.

Requests will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • The benefit to the veteran or military-affiliated community;
  • The scope of the impact and how the project will be assessed to demonstrate impact on the veteran and military-affiliated community;
  • The degree to which this request adds to and supplements existing library services and programs;
  • The potential to transform library services to the veteran community and provide a model for implementation at other libraries;
  • The strength of the project plan;
  • The plan for sustainability beyond the support of this microgrant.

Allowable costs for work performed under an IMLS award must be determined in accordance with the applicable IMLS and Federal cost principles (see 2 C.F.R. part 200 (Subpart E) and 2 C.F.R. part 3187) and the terms and conditions of the award. 

Examples of eligible expenses may include:

  1. Personnel costs (wages and benefits) for part time library employees who will work on the project. 

  2. Contractual payments to individuals or vendors (consultants, speakers, instructors, etc.) for services performed in connection with the project.

  3. Mileage expenses for activities required to successfully implement the project. 

  4. Supplies (office supplies, program supplies, and other consumables) required to conduct the project.

  5. Library materials, including but not limited to books, magazines, audio materials, large print materials, and other items that may comprise a library collection. 

  6. Equipment such as computer hardware, software, and assistive technology that is necessary for the project. Any computers or peripherals purchased with IMLS funds must be CIPA compliant. 

  7. Printing, including but not limited to flyers, posters, mailings, pamphlets, booklets, surveys, etc. Items can promote only project-related events (not library-wide events) and must include IMLS sponsorship statements. 

  8. The Other category may include miscellaneous costs. 

  9. An Indirect Cost is an organization's incurred cost that cannot be readily isolated or identified with just one project or activity. These types of costs are often referred to as "overhead costs." Typical examples are charges for utilities, general insurance, use of office space and equipment that you own, local telephone service, and the salaries of the management and administrative personnel of the organization. Choose one of these three options:

    1. Use a current indirect cost rate that has been negotiated with a federal agency. Include a copy of the current negotiated agreement as an attachment. 

    2. Use a rate between 0% and 10% of total direct costs if you have never had a federally negotiated indirect cost rate. 

    3. Do not include any indirect costs.

Costs that are NOT allowed to be paid with IMLS funds include full time or temporary staff, reimbursements for staff time not related to the activities of the grant, food and beverages, web content creation, room rentals, and giveaways.

For more information on allowable costs, go to

Microgrant Acknowledgement

Microgrant recipients should follow IMLS requirements for acknowledgement of their grant status on any presentations, publications, and communications.  Details can be found at the IMLS website.  Suggested language and graphics for crediting both IMLS and the Libraries and Veterans National Forum are included below.




This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (LG-12-19-0114). 


Libraries and Veterans National Forum Logo

The Libraries and Veterans National Forum was born out of efforts from librarians at the Texas A&M University Libraries and their desire to better learn from others libraries' efforts to support the veteran and military communities (




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