Sarah LeMire is the Coordinator of First-Year Programs at the Texas A&M University Libraries. An Army veteran herself, she serves as the library's liaison to the campus Veteran Resource and Support Center. She writes frequently on the topic of veterans and libraries, and was the lead author of the book Serving Those Who Served: Librarian's Guide to Working with Veteran and Military Communities​. More recently, she was the principal investigator on the Institute of Museum and Library Services "Orienting Student Veterans to the Library" grant, which developed a checklist-style online orientation for student veterans.
Stephanie Graves is an Associate Professor and Director of Learning and Outreach at Texas A&M University Libraries. She researches and writes about information literacy, outreach, and student success initiatives in libraries. She is particularly interested library programs and services for underserved populations. She recently participated in the Institute of Museum and Library Services "Orienting Student Veterans to the Library" grant.
Beth German is an Associate Professor and Service Design Librarian at Texas A&M University Libraries where she works to create high-quality research and learning experiences for the Texas A&M community. Her areas of expertise and research include user experience, universal design, learning technologies, and project management.
Janina Besa Siebert is a full time staff member and the Program Assistant for Learning & Outreach at Texas A&M University Libraries where she works to support the instructional and programming goals of the unit from first year experience through supporting the research needs of graduate students.