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Community-Wide Read and Programming



Select a title for the community to read and discuss. Titles we have used are The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien and What It Is Like To Go To War by Karl Marlantes. The library then partnered with other community organizations to host a series of programs in support of the book. Examples are:

  • partnering with the Museum of Art for an exhibit;
  • performance of music of the Vietnam War era with kids from School of Rock;
  • a photo display by the local historical society;
  • a movie screening and discussion;
  • community conversations with veterans and high school students;
  • veteran author discussion panels; and
  • a display of items that service members carried with them on deployment.


Community, veterans, veteran family members, high school students, artists


It really depends on the size and scope of the programming. We received grant funding to purchase copies of the books to give away, to pay for supplies, and offer stipends to speakers/artists. It was supplemented by funding from the Friends of the Library.


Any, but usually May or November

Suggested Duration

Our bigger series happened over the course of 4-6 weeks, but the duration could be shorter.

Resources needed 

A robust list of community partners. A good relationship with the school district for the kids to read the book and host community conversations. Adequate staff/staff time for programs. A good relationship with media for promotion.

Tips for Success

It’s great to have lots of community partners to help spread the word and offer unique programming.

Assessment Ideas

Individual program participation

Partners and Stakeholders

  • Library Board
  • Friends of the Library
  • Museums
  • Local non-profit groups

Additional Resources/Bibliography

National Endowment for the Arts Big Read grants are a great place for inspiration and also to apply for funding

Submitted by 

Kris Moralez, Oceanside Public Library Oceanside, CA

Creative Commons license