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Veterans Path Home



The battle is over and you have survived with your life while others have not. You’ve fought side by side with your brothers and sisters. You’ve kept faith with your sworn oath to country, your training and your bond with comrades in arms. You are now a veteran who knows that despite all the training and intentions, innocent lives and friends have been lost due to war’s cruel randomness. Now you must return home, find meaning in being alive and become a better citizen as a result of your new status as a veteran. Your story is similar to those who have gone before you as it will be for those who follow you. You are not alone. The veteran's path home is well traveled and has been proven to be a healing way home for veterans from all centuries and cultures. It’s a path to a peaceful, compassionate and joyous life that is the reward of all warriors who at one time willingly put their lives at great danger and risk for a cause greater then self. No matter what you did, or was done to you -or what you failed to do in time of war- embrace this path for it is the instrument of your destiny. Veterans and adult family members are encouraged to participate.


This 4-part healing/coming home ceremony supports veterans and adult family members transitioning back into civilian life. Discussions address processing combat experiences; moral injuries that may have occurred in the military; how to reconnect, live productively and find meaning in your service; and why some veterans re-integrate better than others. Limited to 20 participants.


It cost me little to nothing for this program; with the pro-bono services of a veteran and a VA psychologist to help facilitate the sessions.


November, around Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

Suggested Duration

4 weekly sessions of 2 hours each... Or make this your own and tweak to fit your parameters and logistics.

Resources needed 

A medium-sized meeting room and some A/V equipment.

Tips for Success

Plan well. Market well. And roll with whatever may need to change.


Veterans Path Home marketing photo

Submitted by 

Rob Wilson, Georgia Lord Library, Goodyear, AZ

Standard CC license